Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena
Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998
Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864
Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244, F56 CY23
2025 Sunday Cycle C, Weekday Cycle 1
The Presentation of the Lord
Sat 1st 6:00 pm Patricia & Patsy Fallon (A)
Blessing of Candles
Sun 2nd 10:00 am Margaret & Richard Kennedy (M)
Blessing of Candles
Mon 3rd St Blaise, (martyr), St Ansgar (bishop) Lourdes Novena
10:00 am Dec’d O’Hara Family, Derryronan (M)
Blessing of Throats
Tues 4th St Thomas Aquinas (priest & doctor of the Church)
10:00 am Sr Eugenius Stella Gallagher (M)
Wed 5th St Agatha (martyr) Lourdes Novena
10:00 am Private Intention (A)
Thurs 6th St Paul Miki & Companions (martyrs) Lourdes Novena
10:00 am Fr Peter Coleman (M)
Fri 7th St Mel (bishop) Lourdes Novena
10:00 am Private Intention (A)
Sat 8th St Jerome Emliani, St Josephine Bakhita
12:00 pm Vinny Healy (M)
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat 8th 6:00 pm Ita Moran & dec’d Moran family &
Sr Christopher Berreen (A) Novena
Sun 9th 10:00 am Michael Johnston & parents Bridgie & Michael (M)
ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm
July. Sept. Nov.
ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.
October. December
Readers of the Word
Saturdays of February 6pm: Sinead O’Brien (A)
Sundays of February 10am: Donal Fallon (M)
Readings for 5th Sunday in Odinary Time
1st Reading Is 6:1-8. Psalm Ps 137.
2nd Reading 1 Cor 15:1-11. Gospel Lk 5:1-11.
Ministers of the Eucharist
Saturdays of February 6pm: Mary Davey (A)
Sundays of February 10am: Nonie Marren (M)
JUBILEE YEAR 2025 ‘Pilgrims of Hope’
(Spes non Confundit – Hope Does Not Disappoint)
No Internet available so unable to update recent messages
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2nd Feb: Focus: Let us persevere & trust in God. – WE can imagine that Simeon & Anna might have been tempted to give up hope that the Lord would fulfil his promise. But they persevered & continued to trust in God – continued to listen to the promptings of the Spirit – until the day finally came when Mary & Joseph brought the child Jesus & they recognized him as the Christ. Let us follow their example & trust in God on our own faith journey.
SYMPATHY: We remember in our prayers at this time: Bridget Harkin, Ballyliffin, Donegal, (aunt of Ann Marie Mulkeen, Achonry), Fr James Shryane, Barnsley, (son of Nora nee Gilmartin, Rinbane), Mary Enda O’Connor, Dublin, (sister of the late Bernie Brennan, Tubbertelly).
May the Souls of the faithful departed rest in peace
Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail
Sunday February 9th, at 3pm Bishop Doran will lead a liturgy of blessing in the Cathedral, Ballaghaderreen for all engaged couples & married couples celebrating significant wedding anniversaries. Refreshments in St Nathy’s College, following the liturgy of blessing.
Adoration in Achonry Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of February.
Study Theology Online, is this for you? The Priory Institute provides online Theology courses to degree level. Attend Saturday lectures in Tallaght or from the comfort of your own home. Register before February 11. Find out more at
THREE HILLS CAFÉ (beside Mullinabreena Church)
To maintain the success of the Three Hills Café we would ask households to commit to supporting at least once every few weeks. Café is open Saturday & Sunday 10am-2pm. Thank you for your continued support.
Book Swap / Sale every Sunday 2-4pm in Carrowmore School.
Camino de Santiago: Have you ever dreamed of walking the Camino de Santiago? Breakthrough Cancer Research are taking on the 'Portuguese Way' from the 13th - 20th June 2025. Starting in Baiona, experience camaraderie & reflection as you walk toward Santiago de Compostela, creating lasting memories on this historic pilgrimage. You can enjoy this amazing adventure with our experienced guide & help Make More Survivors. For more information, please contact or phone 021 422 66 55.
25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 8:30pm
Irish courses: Junior Cycle Exam Revision 18th Jan 10am-2pm. Leaving Cert Irish Oral 8th March 10am-2.30pm. Venue: Banada. Call or text Siobhán on 0876151581 to enquire or book a place.
Fully qualified SNA / Carer / Childcare Practitioner available to care for your loved one. Reasonable rate, Garda Vetted, all training up-to-date, reference available. Contact 0874151923 for more info.
Bereavement Support Group: Life after a bereavement can feel empty & lonely. Spending time with others who know the experience can be helpful. Trained facilitators conduct a weekly Bereavement Support Group meeting at the Family Centre, Knock at 11am each Wednesday. More info from Monica Morley on 094-9375320.
Coleman Music Centre: Rambling House Concert on Sat 1st Feb 8pm. Great night of music & song with a great line up of musicians & singers. Tickets €15 – call today 071 9182599 & book yours or visit our website
Cloonacool Drama: Tubberrcurry here we come! As well as staging MOLL in Cloonacool Fri 21st, Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd February - Cloonacool Players in St Brigid's Hall during the Western Drama Festival on Tuesday 4th March. Cast & crew are delighted & look forward to entertaining audiences in both venues. Laughs galore.
'Live Life' National Youth Retreat at Knock Shrine. On May 8th students from all over the country will gather in Knock Shrine to celebrate the life of Donal Walsh & to reflect on his message - to 'Live Life!' If you are interested in learning more about the day or registering a group please email
Tubbercurry FRC: Free Wellness Talks 10am-11.30am. March 4th Improve your Mental Fitness. April 29th De-Stress & Worry Less.
A Half Day Retreat for Women using dance & movement, self-nurturing practices, & more will take place on Thursday February 6th 10am-1.30pm. Lunch provided. Cost €10.
Baby Bonding Classes: Lovely local sessions getting you & your baby off to the best start possible. Enjoy simple, gently, playful activities to help build a strong relationship with your little one. Learn about how babies develop & how YOU play the most important part of all! Suitable for expectant mums 28+weeks & babies up to 8 months. Starts Tuesday 18th Feb for 6 weeks 10am-11am. Cost €10. Delivered by baby bonding practitioners. Places are limited.
Bookings for all of the above at FRC on 0719186926.
Blessing of Throats
The Blessing of St Blaise is a sign of our faith in God’s protection & love for us & for the sick. Using two crossed & unlighted candles, blessed on the memorial of St Blaise or on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the minister touches the throat of each person, saying, Through the intercession of St Blaise, bishop & martyr, may God deliver you from all ailments of the throat & from every other illness. In the name of the Father, & of the Son, & of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
“The Family that Prays together stays together”
“A world at prayer is a world at peace”