Parish Newsletter 5th January 2025 Print this page Print this page

Fri, 2025

Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena

Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998

Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864

Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244,   F56 CY23


2025 Sunday Cycle C, Weekday Cycle 1  


Second Sunday of Christmas

Sat 4th                    6:00 pm                 Michael, Liam & Stephen Doddy (M)

Sun 5th                   10:00 am              Mick Marren, Roadstown (A)

The Epiphany of the Lord

Sun 5th                   6:00 pm                 People of the Community (M)

Mon 6th                              10:00 am  Francis & Agnes Henry (A)

Tues 7th                 St Raymond of Penyafort (priest)

10:00 am        Michael & Ellen McIntyre &

Margaret Foley (M)

Wed 8th                  10:00 am              Private Intention (A)

Thurs 9th               10:00 am              Dec’d. O’Hara Family, Derryronane (M)

Fri 10th 10:00 am              Private Intention (A)

Sat 11th                  10:00 am              Intentions of Devaney Family, Achonry (M)

The Baptism of the Lord

Sat 11th                  6:00 pm                 Mary & James McDonnell (M)

Sun 12th                 10:00 am              People of the Community (A)


ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm


 July. Sept. Nov.                 

ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.

                                        October. December



Readers of the Word

Saturdays of January 6pm: Mary Keane (M)

Sundays of January 10am: David / Eoin Kennedy (A)

Readings for Baptism of the Lord

1st Reading Is 40:1-5, 9-11. Psalm Ps 103.

2nd Reading Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7. Gospel Lk 3:15-16, 21-22.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Saturdays of January 6pm: Johnny Finan (M)

Sundays of January 10am: Monica Henry (A)

JUBILEE YEAR 2025 ‘Pilgrims of Hope’

(Spes non Confundit – Hope Does Not Disappoint)

2nd Sunday of Christmas 5th Jan: Focus: In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God & the Word was God. – We reflect with wonder upon the great love shown to us when the Word became flesh to live among us.

The Epiphany of the Lord 6th Jan: God has revealed a great light in the darkness. – As we celebrate Epiphany, our readings remind us of the power of God’s revelation. Throughout history, God has promised salvation. Today we celebrate some of the first witnesses of this great event, the Magi. May we deepen our faith as we, too, journey to be closer to Christ.

Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail

SYMPATHY: We remember in our prayers at this time: Maureen Collin, neé Cooke, Manchester & Tubbertelly, (sister of Anna Durcan, Tubbertelly). 

May the Souls of the faithful departed rest in peace


Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, January 11/12th: invitation to families who have had a baby baptised during 2024 to bring the baby to the church for a blessing on that Saturday evening or Sunday.

Sunday February 9th, at 3pm Bishop Doran will lead a liturgy of blessing in the Cathedral, Ballaghaderreen for all engaged couples & married couples celebrating significant wedding anniversaries. Refreshments in St Nathy’s College, following the liturgy of blessing.

Adoration in Mullinabreena Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of January.

THREE HILLS CAFÉ (beside Mullinabreena Church)

To maintain the success of the Three Hills Café we would ask households to commit to supporting at least once every few weeks. Café is open Saturday & Sunday 10am-2pm. Thank you for your continued support.

Book Swap / Sale every Sunday 2-4pm in Carrowmore School.

Christmas & Offertory COLLECTIONS: THANK YOU for your generous contributions to the Christmas Collection, & for your continued support to the weekly Offertory collection & your generosity to all the other collections taken up throughout the year.

25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 8:30pm

Irish courses: Junior Cycle Exam Revision 18th Jan 10am-2pm. Leaving Cert Irish Oral 8th March 10am-2.30pm. Venue: Banada. Call or text Siobhán on 0876151581 to enquire or book a place. 

Fr Peyton Centre: Re-opening on Thurs 2nd Jan 2025 at 9.30am. The Knock Centre is re-opening on Saturday 25th Jan 2025.

JUBILEE YEAR 2025 ‘Pilgrims of Hope’

(Spes non Confundit – Hope Does Not Disappoint)

From the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee Year

"Hope does not disappoint" (Rom 5:5). In the spirit of hope, the Apostle Paul addressed these words of encouragement to the Christian community of Rome. Hope is also the central message of the coming Jubilee that in accordance with an ancient tradition, the Pope proclaims every twenty-Five years. My thoughts turn to all those pilgrims of hope who will travel to Rome in order to experience the Holy Year & to all those others who, though unable to visit the City of the Apostles Peter & Paul, will celebrate it in their local Churches. For everyone, may the Jubilee be a moment of genuine, personal encounter with the Lord Jesus.

Everyone knows what it is to hope. Even so, uncertainty about the future may at times give rise to conflicting feelings, ranging from confident trust to apprehensiveness, from serenity to anxiety. For all of us, may the Jubilee be an opportunity to be renewed in hope.

Hope is born of love & based on the love springing from the pierced heart of Jesus upon the cross. By his perennial presence in the Life of the pilgrim Church, the Holy Spirit illumines all believers with the light of hope. He keeps that light burning, like an ever-burning lamp, to sustain & invigorate our lives. Christian hope does not deceive or disappoint because it is grounded in the certainty that nothing & no one may ever separate us from God's love.

In addition to finding hope in God's grace, we are also called to discover hope in the signs of the times that the Lord gives us. As the Second Vatican Council observed: "In every age, the Church has the responsibility of reading the signs of the times & interpreting them in the light of the Gospel. In this way, in language adapted to every generation, she can respond to people's persistent questions about the meaning of this present life & of the life to come, & how one is related to the other". We need to recognize the immense goodness present in our world, lest we be tempted to think ourselves overwhelmed by evil & violence.

Through our witness, may hope spread to all those who anxiously seek it. May the way we live our lives say to them in so many words: "Hope in the Lord! Hold firm, take heart & hope in the Lord!" (Ps 27:14). May the power of hope fill our days, as we await with confidence the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be praise & glory, now & forever.

Apostolic Work Achonry/Elphin Dioceses, would like to get in touch with any Parish group helping Missionaries from their area, with the possibility of helping that Missionary with our "Easter Chicken Fund". For more information please contact, Mary Lee, 087 135 3780 or Margaret Haughey 087 207 2400.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our recent annual St. Vincent de Paul collection. Your support is very much appreciated.


Cloonacool Drama: Laughter is what we all need, especially when it's comedy from Cloonacool Players. Yes, the group is back in rehearsal & has a great cast of firm favourites preparing to entertain you in John B. Keane's classic comedy 'Moll' - to make you laugh & laugh.  

It will be on stage in Cloonacool on Friday 21, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 of February.