Parish Newsletter 16th June 2024 Print this page Print this page

Sun, 2024

Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena

Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998

Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864

Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244,   F56 CY23


2024 Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 2  


Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sat 15th                  8:00 pm                 Eugene Henry (A)

Sun 16th                 10:00 am              Rich Goulden & dec’d family members (M)

Mon 17th               10:00 am              Private Intention (M)

Tues 18th               10:00 am              Private Intention (M)

Wed 19th               Bl Dermot O’Hurley & Companions (martyrs)

10:00 am        Michael & Bridget Gannon (A)

Thurs 20th             The Irish Martyrs

10:00 am        Private Intention (M)

Fri          21st         St Aloysius Gonzaga (religious)

10:00 am        Private Intention (A)

Sat 22nd                  St Paulinus of Nola, Ss John Fisher & Thomas More

10:00 am        Ann Marren, her parents William &

                                                                                                Bridget, & dec’d of Marren family (M)

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sat 22nd                  8:00 pm                 John & Annie Devaney & dec’d family (A)

Sun 23rd                 10:00 am              Virgie & Martin Monaghan & their

daughter Maura Meakin (M)


ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm


 July. Sept. Nov.                 

ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.

                                        October. December



Readers of the Word

Saturdays of June 8pm: Tara Hosey (A)

Sundays of June 10am: Michael Toolan (M)

Readings for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading Job 38:1, 8-11. Psalm Ps 106.

2nd Reading 2 Cor 5:14-17. Gospel Mk 4:35-41.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Saturdays of June 8pm: Peggie Devaney (A)

Sundays of June 10am: Maureen Lee (M)


“The Family that Prays together stays together”

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 16th June: Focus: The Seeds of God’s kingdom are planted but not yet full-grown. – Jesus uses the images of the sower & the mustard seed to explain the kingdom of God. Although seemingly small or insignificant, these examples demonstrate that great things can happen through the work of God. The kingdom must grow to become like Ezekiel’s lofty cedar tree, which is full of the fruits of the kingdom. All our efforts in building the kingdom, even if they seem small, will be blessed by God.


Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail

BAPTISM: We welcome into the Christian community through the Sacrament of Baptism Freya Lily Lavin, Castlecawley. 

Adoration in Achonry Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of June.

Achonry-Killala Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes under the leadership of Bishop John Fleming, Bishop Emeritus. From 18th to 23rd July, departs from Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights in full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €929- (single rooms available, supplement applies). Book Main Pilgrimage bookings should be made through Joe Walsh Tours: Tel: 01-241 0800 or Email: A limited number of places available in the Assisted Section, Contact Eileen on 086-401 3897. No booking is definite until a non-refundable deposit of €300 has been receipted by Joe Walsh Tours. Online booking at:



To maintain the success of both the Three Hills Café & Achonry Farmers Market we would ask households to commit to visit both amenities at least once a month. These amenities offer ideopportunities for people to get together & are instrumental in creating a dynamic & cohesive Community for us all to live in. Café is open Saturday & Sunday 10am-2pm, with Market on Saturday 10am-1pm. Thank you for your continued support.

Book Swap / Sale every Sunday 2-4pm in Carrowmore School.


The Shepherd's Run

On 15th June at 6pm, a 5km Walk/Run in aid of the South Sligo Cancer Support Centre, Tubbercurry. The Walk/Run is a loop around Dohern Hill & Chaffpool. Appropriate footwear for rugged terrain is advised. Amazing views & all for a wonderful cause, we hope you can join us. Please register with QR code to take part. Code available at facebook page of daveynutrition. 

Coleman Centre: Keane, Connolly, McGorman a concert on Sat, 29th June at 8pm. Tickets €15, call 071 9182599 or visit

The annual in-service child safeguarding training for LSRs (Local Safeguarding Reps) which you are due to attend, is a short refresher in-service course & it is an ideal opportunity for you to clarify & discuss any safeguarding issues that are bothering you. The training is on Tuesday 25th June 7pm for those who could not attend on Tuesday 11th June. 7pm. In An Chroi Digital Hub, Tubbercurry.

25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 9pm. (summer)

Anam Cara: the organisation that supports bereaved parents will meet Tuesday 25th Juneat 7:15pm in the T. F Royal Hotel. This event is free & open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We now also offer an online support service too. Please contact us on or 085 2888 888 for any queries.

St Crumnathys Cathedral in Achonry was built in 1822 & was deconsecrated in 1998. It is located in a complex heritage site of architectural, archaeological & ecological interest. Achonry Cathedral is a landmark building at the heart of our community graveyard where our loved ones are laid to rest. The Cathedral is no longer in use & there are signs of water ingress & associated damage. It is vital that some preservation works are carried out in the short term to prevent further irreparable damage to the structure.

Last year Achonry/Mullinabreena Community Enhancement Group (AMCE) & St George’s Tubbercurry applied to the Heritage council for a grant to fund preparation of a condition report & schedule of works for the Cathedral. We were successful with the grant application & Duncan McLaren (a Tier 1 Conservation Architect) issued his report in Nov 2023. A number of options were outlined with costs ranging from 69k to 202k. Earlier this year, AMCE & St George’s applied for a grant from the Historic Structures Fund & were awarded 50k grant funding @ 80% of total project costs. We need to raise an additional 12,500 to utilise the full 50k grant awarded. The project will include the following: repairs to the roof to prevent further water leaks, scaffolding, temporary support of the ceiling, repairs to gutters, downpipes, doors, leaded windows, support for stair tower, professional & structural engineers fees.

We are appealing to people from the local community to assist with the fundraising efforts to generate €12,500 to preserve this historic building in our community. We also appeal to families living away from home who have loved ones buried in the graveyard. Your support for this project would be greatly appreciated.

How to donate: Online - See our idonate link here:

Bank Transfer: Transfer to AMCE Bank account - BIC: BOFIIE2D IBAN: IE88BOFI90549138522058

Contact David Hosey (AMCE) 087 2670883, or, Willie Lalor (St George’s Parish) 087 9958423 with any queries.

“A world at prayer is a world at peace”

The Youth 2000 Summer Festival takes place August 15-18th in Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare - save the date! Join us for a weekend of festivities: talks, testimonies praise & worship, & workshops. Donation Only. Check out for more info.



An Ignatian Retreat in the Fr Peyton Centre, Attymass on Saturday June 22nd from 10.30 am - 5.00 pm. Cost: €25 (including lunch). To book or for info call 087 679889

Fr. Peyton Centre. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm. The Centre will be opened on Saturdays from 25th May to September 30th from 12noon until 5.00pm. Tel: 096-45374World

Fr. Peyton Mission Office, Main Street Knock, F12 Y8 H2. Opening Hours: Wednesday till Sunday 10am- 3pm

Rally for Life: We are delighted to share with you that former singer with famed band Pussycat Dolls, Kaya Jones, will be speaking at this year's Rally for Life. Her powerful testimony shows the reality of abortion and an insight into the music industry that does not value human life and pushes a narrative that exploits women. The Rally for Life is now only 8 WEEKS away. Don't miss Kaya this year & SAVE the DATE for Saturday, 6th July at 1:30pm.

‘Come Follow Me’ Weekend Workshop, 7th–9th June: An introductory training weekend to teach children (ages 7–11) about the Catholic faith using the ‘Come Follow Me’ catechetical programme, for use in parishes & schools. Presented by the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph at St Mary’s Church, the Claddagh. No previous experience required! For more information & to register, please contact Ruth on (087) 4090344 or email