Parish Newsletter 2nd June 2024 Print this page Print this page

Fri, 2024

Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena

Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998

Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864

Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244,   F56 CY23


2024 Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 2  


Corpus Christi

Sat 1st                     8:00 pm                 Mick & Winnie Duffy & dec’d of

Duffy & McDonnell families (A)

Sun 2nd                   10:00 am              Special Intention (M)

Mon 3rd                 St Kevin (abbot)

10:00 am        Bill & Evelyn Crosbie (M)

Tues 4th                 Ss Charles Lwanga & Companions (martyrs)

10:00 am        Private Intention (M)

Wed 5th St Boniface (bishop & martyr)

10:00 am        Private Intention (A)

Thurs 6th               St Norbert (bishop), St Jarlath (bishop)

10:00 am        Private Intention (M)

Fri          7th           The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

10:00 am        Private Intention (A)

Sat 8th                    The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

10:00 am     No Mass (M)

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sat 8th                    8:00 pm                 Martin & Katie Rogan & dec’d family (A)

Sun 9th                   10:00 am              Robbie Hosey & dec’d of

Dillon & Hosey families (M)


ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm


 July. Sept. Nov.                 

ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.

                                        October. December



Readers of the Word

Saturdays of June 8pm: Tara Hosey (A)

Sundays of June 10am: Michael Toolan (M)

Readings for 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading Gn 3:9-15. Psalm Ps 129.

2nd Reading 2 Cor 4:13-5:1. Gospel Mk 3:20-35.

Ministers of the Eucharist

Saturdays of June 8pm: Peggie Devaney (A)

Sundays of June 10am: Maureen Lee (M)

Feast of Corpus Christi – The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ: Focus: Jesus’ sacrifice seals our covenant with God forever. – As we celebrate the solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ, we give thanks in a particular way for Christ’s perfect offering of himself as the eternal sacrifice. In ancient times, sacrifices of animals, material goods, or even humans were offered to divine entities. These were ritual ceremonies forced upon the people as an act of worship or placation. Jesus, in revealing to all the one, true God, offers his own body & blood for our salvation. This perfect sacrifice has united us to the Father once more, & is the source & summit of our life in Christ.


Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail

Adoration in Achonry Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of June.

Achonry-Killala Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes under the leadership of Bishop John Fleming, Bishop Emeritus. From 18th to 23rd July, departs from Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights in full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €929- (single rooms available, supplement applies). Book Main Pilgrimage bookings should be made through Joe Walsh Tours: Tel: 01-241 0800 or Email: A limited number of places available in the Assisted Section, Contact Eileen on 086-401 3897. No booking is definite until a non-refundable deposit of €300 has been receipted by Joe Walsh Tours. Online booking at:



To maintain the success of both the Three Hills Café & Achonry Farmers Market we would ask households to commit to visit both amenities at least once a month. These amenities offer ideopportunities for people to get together & are instrumental in creating a dynamic & cohesive Community for us all to live in. Café is open Saturday & Sunday 10am-2pm, with Market on Saturday 10am-1pm. Thank you for your continued support.

Book Swap / Sale every Sunday 2-4pm in Carrowmore School.


The Shepherd's Run

On 15th June at 6pm, a 5km Walk/Run will take place in aid of the South Sligo Cancer Support Centre, Tubbercurry. The Walk/Run is a loop around Dohern Hill & Chaffpool. Appropriate footwear for rugged terrain is advised. Amazing views & all for a wonderful cause, we hope you can join us. Please register with QR code to take part. Code available at Sandra Davey’s Facebook 


25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 9pm. (summer)

Achonry Reek Challenge: The Diocese Youth Commission is hosting the Achonry Reek Challenge “ARC” (Croagh Patrick Pilgrimage) on Sunday June 9th at 3pm. Please assemble at Murrisk car park for 2.30pm. All young people 18 + are welcome to attend, under 18 years of age need to be accompanied by an adult. Essential items to bring, water, light snacks, sun screen, warm clothes, hat, stick, & sturdy walking boots or shoes. Free event, refreshments served afterwards. For registration, please contact Stephen at


Father’s Day Dinner: Sunday 16th June in the Coach House, Rathbarron (Killoran). Three sittings at 12:30pm, 1:30pm & 2:30pm. Bookings essential. Adults €25, Children €15. Contact Sandy Percival 087 2444485 between 1&2pm, & between 6&7pm



An Ignatian Retreat in the Fr Peyton Centre, Attymass on Sat June 22nd from 10.30 am - 5.00 pm. Cost: €25 (including lunch). To book or for info call 087 679889

Fr. Peyton Centre. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm. The Centre will be opened on Saturdays from 25th May to September 30th from 12noon until 5.00pm. Tel: 096-45374World

Fr. Peyton Mission Office, Main Street Knock, F12 Y8 H2. Opening Hours: Wednesday till Sunday 10am- 3pm

Annual Global Rosary Rally for the Sanctification of Priests takes place on Friday 7th June. Fr. Peyton Centre, Attymass will lead the Rosary at 2.15pm, praying the Joyful Mysteries. The Rosary can be view on or

Achonry/Mullinabreena Parish DEFIBRILLATORS: This is an Appeal for Donations please for the purchase of 2 additional defibrillators (1 to be located in the Castleoye area & 1 in the Rinbane area) & for the upkeep & maintenance of 5 defibrillators currently in our parish. Recently a new cabinet was purchased for the defibrillator located in the Chaffpool area which cost €595. Replacement batteries which are required after 1 use & a spare 1 needs to be available at each defibrillator are approximately €150 each.
To donate you can do so to the Achonry/Mullinabreena Defibrillator Account @ Tubbercurry Credit Union or by contacting any one of our committee members: Lorraine Feely, Johnny Ruttledge, Caroline Coleman, Bernie Finan, Casey Finan & Jillian Severs. Thank you.

PS: Fundraising Tractor & Honda run for the upkeep of our parish defibrillators will take place on Sunday 29th Sept 2024 - details to follow later but in the meantime be sure to "save the date".

Postgraduate study programme: Check out the options in Theology, Philosophy, Youth Ministry, Chaplaincy, Church Music & more at St Patrick's Pontifical University, Maynooth, Applications close soon.

Achonry Mullinabreena Parish