Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena
Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998
Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864
Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244, F56 CY23
2024 Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 2
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sat 27th 8:00 pm Frank & Celia Healy & Sally Bisset (A)
Sun 28th 10:00 am Liam Marren, Dublin & Carrowmore (M)
Mon 29th St Tatherine of Siena (Patron of Europe)
10:00 am Special Intention (M)
Tues 30th St Pius V (pope)
10:00 am Cathy Gorman, Welling, Kent (M)
Wed 1st St Joseph the Worker
10:00 am Private Intention (A)
Thurs 2nd St Athanasius (bishop & doctor of the Church)
10:00 am Private Intention (M)
Fri 3rd Ss Philip & James (apostles)
10:00 am John & Delia McGowan (A)
Sat 4th St Conleth (bishop)
10:00 am Maeve & Maura Gorman (M)
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sat 4th 8:00 pm Michael James & Kathleen Davey & dec’d (M)
Sun 5th 10:00 am People of the Community (A)
ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm
July. Sept. Nov.
ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.
October. December
Readers of the Word
Saturdays of May 8pm: Pat O’Donnell (M)
Sundays of May 10am: Eugene Henry (A)
Readings for 6th Sunday of Easter
1st Reading Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48. Psalm Ps 97.
2nd Reading 1 Jn 4:7-10. Gospel Jn 15:9-17.
Ministers of the Eucharist
Saturdays of May 8pm: Pauline Finan (M)
Sundays of April 10am: Monica Henry (A)
“A world at prayer is a world at peace”
Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail
5th Sunday of Easter 28th April: Focus: Remain in Jesus as the Father tends & cares for us. – When we remain in Jesus, his word remains in us, & we bear the fruit of love for one another. The Father prunes us, knowing what we need & do not need to grow & flourish. No other vine is as life-giving as that of Jesus.
SYMPATHY: We remember in our prayers at this time: Cathy Gorman, Welling, Kent, (mother-in-law of Martina Murtagh, Carniara).
May the Souls of the faithful departed rest in peace
Adoration in Mullinabreena Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of May.
Marian Laity Meeting: On Thursday 2nd May at 8pm in the Parochial House
Attention all Pioneer members. Anyone who is 25, 50, 60 or more years a member & would like to mark this, please contact Fr Peter or James McCarrick. Emblems – Silver Pin, Gold Pin, 60 year Pin & Fr Cullen Medal. Thank you.
Many thanks for your welcome & hospitality at the weekend. Thanks to the parishioners of Achonry/Mullinabreena for their welcome & response to the appeal. The total amount collected came to €751.20 (updated total) for which we are most grateful. Sr Mary Gallagher.
Bealtaine Celebrations
At Achonry Market in Nace O’Dowd Park on Saturday May 11th at 11am. Music, song, performance, traditions. Refreshments served.Come & enjoy.
Achonry-Killala Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes under the leadership of Bishop John Fleming, Bishop Emeritus. From 18th to 23rd July, departs from Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights in full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €929- (single rooms available, supplement applies). Book Main Pilgrimage bookings should be made through Joe Walsh Tours: Tel: 01-241 0800 or Email: A limited number of places available in the Assisted Section, Contact Eileen on 086-401 3897. No booking is definite until a non-refundable deposit of €300 has been receipted by Joe Walsh Tours. Online booking at:
Coleman Centre: Sat, 4th May at 2.30pm the Disney musical remake ~ THE LITTLE MERMAID. Treat bags are available. Adm €5. 1 adult per family goes free.
Achonry Diocese Adoration Committee: A gathering of Adoration Committees for each parish will be held in The Pastoral Centre Charlestown on Sunday 28th April from 3pm – 5 pm.
25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 9pm. (summer)
To maintain the success of both the Three Hills Café & Achonry Farmers Market we would ask households to commit to visit both amenities at least once a month. These amenities offer ideal opportunities for people to get together & are instrumental in creating a dynamic & cohesive Community for us all to live in. Café is open Saturday & Sunday 10am-2pm, with Market on Saturday 10am-1pm. Thank you for your continued support.
The Living Well Programme is coming to Tubbercurry FRC in person starting Thursday 23rd May 10.30am-1.00pm. Living Well supports adults (18 years & over) living with chronic long term health conditions. The Living Well Programme will help you to develop self-management skills & confidence to live well with your health condition/s. For those who cannot attend an in person programme there is also an online programme starting on May 13th. Bookings 0871800286 or All programmes are free to access. To order Living Well leaflets contact More info
Connect Café will take place Thursday 18th April. Come along for some music & a chat. All welcome to come along & see what it is all about.
Guided Walk with Martina Kilian of Nature Inspires. This event will take place on May 1st. For details of location etc & booking contact 0719185926.
Social Dancing Class: In Cloonacool C.C. every Thursday at 8pm.
Bunninadden Community Bowls: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4pm (except Christmas week). New members welcome, age 16 upwards, tuition given. Tea/coffee & biscuits at half time. Nice relaxed atmosphere & a good chance to socialise.
The Poor Clare Sisters in Galway are hosting an online Q&A for young women who would like to know more about the Poor Clare way of life. The event will take place from 7-8:30pm on Wed, May 1st. For more information contact
Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG seeking marriage preparation facilitators: ACCORD is recruiting volunteers to train as marriage preparation programme facilitators. If you have a positive attitude towards marriage in the Catholic Church. If you have the enthusiasm to be part of the Accord team in supporting couples who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. Successful applicants will receive professional training & will be part of a team delivering marriage preparation programmes locally. Contact Aisling on 01 505 3112 or email Closing date for applications is Friday, 3rd May 2024.