Parish of Achonry/Mullinabreena
Church of St Nathy & St Brigid, Achonry F91 X998
Church of the Sacred Heart Mullinabreena F56 C864
Fr Peter Gallagher 071 9184002 / 087 2221244, F56 CY23
2024 Sunday Cycle B, Weekday Cycle 2
First Sunday of Lent
Sat 17th 8:00 pm Margaret, Kevin & dec’d Gormalley
& Coleman families (A)
Sun 18th 10:00 am Lil Conlon (M)
Mon 19th 10:00 am Thomas & Mary Ellen Connolly
& son Eamonn (M)
8:00 pm Private Intention (A)
Tues 20th 10:00 am Paddy & Geraldine Hannon (M)
8:00 pm Dec’d. of the O’Malley, Hunter
& Hopkins families (A)
Wed 21st St Peter Damian (priest & doctor of the Church)
10:00 am People of the Community (M)
8:00 pm Private Intention (A)
Thurs 22nd The Chair of St Peter (apostle)
10:00 am Michael J. & Margaret Jane Marren (M)
8:00 pm Private Intention (A)
Fri 23rd St Polycarp (bishop & martyr)
10:00 pm Margaret Johnston & son Joe (M)
8:00 pm Private Intention (A)
Sat 24th 11:30 am Confirmation (M)
Second Sunday of Lent
Sat 24th 8:00 pm John P. Davey & all dec’d of the
Davey family (A)
Sun 25th 10:00 am Patsy & Patricia Fallon (M)
ADORATION: Tuesdays 4pm -7pm
July. Sept. Nov.
ACHONRY: Feb. April. June. August.
October. December
Readers of the Word
Saturdays Feb 8pm: Sinead O’Brien (A)
Sundays Feb 10am: Majella O’Donnell Spriggs (M)
READINGS: 2nd Sunday of Lent
1st Reading Gn 22:1-2, 9-18. Psalm Ps 115.
2nd Reading Rm 8:31-34. Gospel Mk 9:2-10.
Ministers of the Eucharist
Saturdays Feb 8pm: Mary Davey (A)
Sundays Feb 10am: Sheila McGowan (M)
1st Sunday of Lent 18th Feb: Focus: Repent & believe in the Gospel. - To repent means to feel regret & sorrow & to change, or “turn from” what is evil. Gospel is a word meaning “good news.” To “repent& believe in the Gospel” is the twofold call of the Christian, which is brought into profound relief during the Lenten season. This time of prayer & preparation for Easter shows there is indeed cause for regret & sorrow, & a need for change. And yet, what we are turning toward as we turn from sin is always cause for joy & hope.
SYMPATHY: We remember in our prayers at this time: Liam Marren, Carrowmore & Dublin, (brother of the late Francie Marren, Carrowmore), Madge Kennedy, Cloonbarry, Aclare, (mother of John Kennedy, Tubbertelly). Helen McCarrick, Anniversary at this time, Mass will be celebrated in April
May the Souls of the faithful departed rest in peace
Priesthood in Achonry Diocese – It is worth saying “yes” to God: For more information contact Achonry Diocesan Vocations Director, Fr Paul Kivlehan 094-9860011, or 087- 3683535, E-mail
World Day of Prayer: On Friday 1st March at 8:30pm in Mullinabreena Church. This “Worldwide Service” was prepared by the Women of Palestine. All are welcome.
Holy Hour: Prayer & Reflection for Ministers/Readers of the Word & Eucharistic Ministers will take place in the Church of St John Evangelist, Tubbercurry on Sunday 10th March 4-5pm.
Choir Workshop: Wednesday 21st Feb at 8pm in Church of St John Evangelist, Tubbercurry, with Una Nolan from Knock Shrine. All Choirs are welcome.
Choir Practice: In preparation for the Confirmation will take place in Mullinabreena Church at 7pm on Monday 19th February.
Adoration in Achonry Church 4-7pm on Tuesdays for the month of February.
Masses during Lent: Mass Monday to Friday 10am in Mullinabreena, & 8pm in Achonry. To save any confusion the Saturday vigil Masses from the beginning of Lent will also be at 8pm.
Achonry National School: Enrolment forms for 2024-25 are now available at the church door. If you are interested please take a form with you, fill in the details & return it to the school.
25 Drive: In St Nathy’s Hall every Friday at 8:30pm.
Confirmation: Confirmation will be celebrated on February 24th. Please return consent forms, & baptismal certificates if baptised outside the parish please.
Blessing of Engaged Couples & those celebrating significant Anniversaries (E.G. 10 years, 20 years, 25 years, 40 years, 50 years & longer!) Sunday, 18th February at 4pm in St Nathy’s Cathedral, Ballaghaderreen. There is an open invitation to all concerned.
Achonry Farmers Market & Café at the Hub: We would like to encourage people to support both our Community Café & our Local Farmers Market. These amenities offer ideal opportunities for people to get together & are instrumental in creating a dynamic & cohesive Community for us all to live in. Café is open Saturday &
Sunday 10am-2pm, with Market on Saturday 10am-1pm.
Social Dancing Class: In Cloonacool Community Centre every Thursday at 8pm.
Coleman Music Centre, Sat, Feb 24th at 2.30pm we will screen Ruby Gillman Teenage Kraken. Treat bags are available. Adm €5. 1 adult per family goes free.
Ceoltóirí Coleman Concert & Special Guests on Sat 24th Feb at 8pm. This concert will be a lively one with music, song & dance. Join us for this Aistear 2030 ~ Comhaltas ~ FREE EVENT.
St Patrick’s Day Parade in Ballymote at 3:30pm. For more info follow Ballymote Community on Facebook.
Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents will meet Wed 28th Feb at 7:15pm in the T. F Royal Hotel, Castlebar. This event is free & open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We now also offer an online support service too. Contact or 085 2888 888 for any queries.
Holy Hill Hermitage: Invitation to Friends of Carmel gathering at Holy Hill on Sat 24th February. Theme: 'Sons & Daughters of your Father in Heaven'. Begin at 10.30 with coffee & finish at 4pm with a soup lunch provided by the community. (Donations invited on the day). All are very welcome! Please let us know if you would like to join us by emailing
Divine Mercy Conference: Takes place in the RDS Dublin from 23rd to 25th February. It is our second conference to be held at the RDS since COVID. The theme of this year's conference is 'Jesus I trust in You' (Diary of St Faustina). By choosing this theme, we hope that the content & outcome of the conference will serve the people of Ireland in placing their trust in God in these challenging times.
“The Family that Prays together stays together”
The annual Achonry Pioneer dinner dance: Friday 8th March at 8pm in the Yeats County Inn, Curry. Music by The Duets. Tickets €35. Please contact Thomas at 087-2344338 or Caroline at 086-1660196 for more information and to book your tickets.
The Synodal Journey was launched in October 2021. Many parishioners attended gatherings in our Diocese (& throughout the country) to share their ideas about the Church. These were very helpful meetings & I appreciate the efforts people made to come along & join in the conversations. In order to feedback to parishioners on what has happened since, a very helpful video has been produced. It is entitled: "The Synodal Pathway, the Journey So Far..." This can be found on our Diocesan Website, I hope this will be helpful in outlining the process so far & charting the next steps on the journey.
Become a Volunteer Befriender to those living with Dementia & give Family Carers a short break. - “As a Befriender I gained so much. There were lots of parallels between the person living with dementia & myself. We were both living alone, had shared interest, we both had worked in similar professions & similar locations. We shared many interests, stories & life experience. I gained a true friend”. Can you spare a couple of hours per week? A little time goes along way. Contact Caroline on 087-3694477 or 0949364900 Email:
Living Well is a free HSE programme which helps people living with a long-term health condition to manage their condition & improve their overall wellbeing. Anyone with any chronic illness such as diabetes, arthritis, COPD, cardiac illness, anxiety, etc. can benefit from these workshops. A programme commences in Boyle on Tuesday 12th March. It will be delivered over six weekly workshops (2.5 hrs x 6) by trained leaders. Advance registration is required. To find out more, please contact Liam Gildea on 086 014 2675 or by email at
5 Step Support Service: Are you affected by the misuse of alcohol or other drugs by another individual? 5 Step Support can help you; it is a free, non-judgemental, one-on-one consultation service. Putting your needs & wellbeing first, helping you manage often stressful, difficult & emotional issues. If you would like more info call 071 9150578 / 085 875 9319 or email
You don’t have to be addicted to suffer from addiction!
Tubbercurry FRC: Mid-Day Walkers meet every Tuesday at the FRC at 11.45am & walk for approx. 1 hour (5k). This is followed by a cuppa & a chat, & for anyone interested a game of Boccia. All ages & abilities welcome. 0719186926.
“A world at prayer is a world at peace”